5 Cloud Computing Trends to Look Out For in 2021

The year 2020 will be remembered as a landmark moment in digital transformation. With the global pandemic came the need for everyone to go virtual, not just programmers and web development consultants. Cloud computing has also become increasingly important as the world has gone digital.
Now, the industry is growing fastly, with more businesses adopting cloud computing than ever before. As a result, it’s expected to grow from $371.4 billion in 2020 to $832.1 billion by 2025, according to a report from Research and Markets.
It growing become difficult to keep up with the latest developments and improvements as the cloud computing industry continues to expand and grow. So, to help you make sense of all the latest stuff, we’ve put together a list of the top five cloud computing trends to watch in 2021.
- Collaboration tools will become more specific and simple:
Nowadays remote work is becoming more common, the use of collaboration and productivity tools has increased. In 2021, people will likely keep working from home, and collaboration tools will be crucial to productivity. Video conferencing, screen sharing, and chat will all become more integrated in the near future. This would make it easier for teams to communicate.
- AI will be used more widely in the workplace:
Chatbots, location services, and digital assistants all fall under the category of artificial intelligence (AI). It helps to save time and money by automating routine activities. AI will become ever more important in the workplace as businesses strive to optimize and streamline their operations. It could be used to automate payroll, forecast budgets, and boost enforcement. Employees can save time on tasks such as expense analyses, invoices, and data processing.
- Edge computing will dominate:
In recent years, edge computing has become increasingly popular. It’s similar to cloud computing in that it stores data and information online but locally. It brings data storage closer to the devices that are being used, removing the need for data to be held in a remote, central location. Edge computing is very useful in remote locations where there is little connectivity to the sort of centralized site where data would normally be stored.
- Serverless computing will grow:
Serverless cloud computing is a relatively new development and is especially helpful for software developers. CSPs are in charge of allocating resources rather than maintaining, updating, and scaling up servers. Since the cloud provider only charges the organization when resources are assigned to produce a piece of code, it can be a major cost-cutting tool for businesses.
- Cloud gaming will rise in popularity:
In the coming year, the gaming industry will most likely resemble the television and film industries. Users used to have to purchase a console or pay for individual games online. Users can stream a large number of games for a flat fee with cloud gaming, similar to Netflix. Players may use any gadget, such as a phone, tablet, or computer, to play games. The industry is already growing quickly, and its revenue is projected to reach $3.74 billion by 2023.
There’s no doubt that cloud computing is something we cannot ignore. With such rapid advances and inventions, it’s obvious that the industry as it stands today will look nothing like it will in 2022, let alone five years. Ingenious results provide you best cloud solutions. If you are ready to use cloud computing for your business contact us now!